Bag: Handbag, tote bag, purses, clutches, money bag, portmanteu,coin purse, the choice is endless, the designs are endless and they are never ever perfect.

I have been searching for the perfect bag for work since I started working. My tastes have changed over years. I used to be the rücksack carrying girl, and then rücksack carrying lady. Then it did’t start looking good with skirt suits and dress suits and other fancy dresses I would wear to work. Also it meant, when I am going out in a hurry, I was always grabbing for the one with all the documents, purse,water bottle and what not. Then a few years ago, I switched to ladies bag. The hunt for the perfect ladies bag is still ON and I do not think it will ever be off . The perfect size of bag, with the perfect amount of space for my huge purse, some other stuff, and maybe a notebook or an iPad but also looking really good and not to huge on the petite me? absolutely impossible. Also what happens when I have to walk a lot with male colleagues and the bag keeps falling or it makes my shoulder ache? So then I want the handbag to be a rücksack but it is not to be found. Now add to that, you carry your lunch, maybe have workout clothes. Then it is either this bag, or a huge tote/ shopper. But they do not have the right kind of zipper or closing. What if I turn my bag upside down? How to be sure that the contents will not drop down. Imagine your daily work requires you to carry around a laptop, often a huge workstation laptop? There are no cute, petite laptop bags which can fit these monsters. It always have to be the huge laptop bag that comes with it, and has enough space to carry a notebook, mouse, headphone, huge charger.. you name it. It ends up me often carrying four bags with me. Add to it when I go grocery shopping. Often I need two trips to the garage to get all my bags safely home.

The bag dilemma to continue.. Do share your journey to find the perfect bag

The Dilemma of the perfect bag: 1


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