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An Appeal

We are living in unprecendent times. The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening the existence of humanity. The deadly virus has succeeded in killing thousands of vulnerable people all over the world. Many more are currently in isolation and lockdown , feeling scared and helpless, uncertain of the future. Many are already living from hand to mouth, […]

My friend Megha : And her stash of stationary

My friend Megha : And her stash of stationary

So, my friend Megha turned a quarter of century two weeks back on 14 March. I told her I will send you a present from my trip. I did send her something, except I forgot to write her name before I put it in post, so I kinda owe her something. Since I promised myself, […]

Quarantine Diary: Part 1

Quarantine Diary: Part 1

Diary during the time of isolation, and social distancing and lockdown.

Hello 2020!

Hello 2020!

Hello friends and my lovely readers, How have you been? It has been a while since I dropped my last post. I am very sorry for that. 2020 has begun and it is about time I get back to blogging again. A lot has happened in between. 2019 has been a happy year for me, […]

Haimanti : weaving through Autumn

Haimanti : weaving through Autumn

It is a dream for any one who can write a bit to weave a series of words and paint a picture. It needs a lot of practice and some framework. I have never been good in painting through words and I mostly use this blog to write about day to day events. However when […]

Durgapuja: childhood and adulthood

Durgapuja: childhood and adulthood

Pujo used to be so much simpler 25 years back. Half yearly exams would be over. We would get the half yearly results only after the holiday so any repercussions would have wait after bhaiphota. The Break from studies Pujo meant five days of break from studies and running to and from thr pandal. The […]



In the previous posts in the beginners guide to gardening series, I detailed about choosing the right plants as a beginner in gardening, basics of watering the plants, fertilizing and protecting them against pests. This post is a conclusion to the basic care topic focussed more repotting, protecting them from harmful weather and documenting the […]

Beginners guide to gardening: Basic care II

Beginners guide to gardening: Basic care II

Gardening is a hobby for some, passion for some, livelihood for others. It is not a difficult or impossible hobby, it just needs a starting point. How do you start gardening when you have not done so before?You can start gardening at any age and any time. Just have a basic care plan and fertilize them and take care of them a little…