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Aloe-vera Era : How it all started

Aloe-vera Era : How it all started

Everyone knows Aloe-vera. A useful succulent, it is extensively used in skin care, cosmetics and natural medicine for the medicinal and healing property of its thick juicy stems. In my life, the aloe vera came as a great healing of my soul and let me to discover a piece of me that I never thought […]

The strawberry story

The strawberry story

I have become a bit of a garden person since last year. I think the latent gardening talent in me exploded like a volcano last year. From three half dead houseplants, I ended up having an urban jungle and most of them survived and made it to this year. Gardening has been a huge source […]

The Dilemma of the perfect bag: 1

Has any working woman ever found the perfect bag? I sure have not. Read my post for a glimpse of my bag journey