In this latest episode of TanniTalksTech , we delve into a topic that’s incredibly close to my heart—journaling and how it can be a transformative tool for achieving discipline, tracking your habits, and boosting productivity. Understanding Stress and Finding Solutions Have you ever wondered why you’re feeling so stressed lately? A few years back, when […]
Increase Productivity at Work – 5 Amazing Mindfulness Techniques for Total Transformation
At its core, mindfulness is about being fully present in the moment, an approach that can transform how we engage with our work. To use it to improve productivity, you need to bring full attention to work while being aware of your mental and emotional state. Benefits of Mindfulness For Productivity Mindfulness practices are not […]
Minimal and useful Journal Layout
Using Notebook with coloured pages I must admit, my journaling has been slacking off a little in the recent times. The tasks and ToDo list from work, home and my business have been all over the place in the last few months. As much as I love my digital tools, sometimes, putting the information down […]