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Blog Posts

dedicated working space

Meine MS Teams Erfahrung

Day to Day with DanceofChaos Hallo ihr Lieben, willkommen auf meinem Blog und den ersten deutschsprachigen Beitrag. Ich hätte es nicht vor, auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Leider habe ich einmal zu viel der English Fähigkeit meiner Mann kritisiert und habe die Herausforderung bekommen : auf Deutsch einen Beitrag zu schreiben. Also eine Übersetzung von meinem […]

work life balance

The Home Office Space

Day to day by Dance of Chaos Hey guys, whatsup? How are you doing? These couple of weeks have been brutal and I did not manage to set aside time for blog. I am finding it difficult to motivate myself, to post something new on the blog, with a lot of work pressure. So between […]

The versatile Mint

The versatile Mint

Growing and gardening and dip recipe Gardening by Dance of Chaos Mint or pudina is a beloved herb. This versatile herb can be home grown by beginners. Mint requires a relatively spot in my experience, where it is relatively colder than the warm full blast of sun. Hence the ones that I plant outdoors usually […]

Unlocking... A lockdown experience

Unlocking… A lockdown experience

Pen by Madhura Mask-check, sanitizer-check, gloves-check, head cover-check -remember Monica and Ross from ‘Friends’ doing similar checks before flying to London? I now do it regularly before leaving for office. We are now slowly adapting ourselves to the changed circumstance. Venturing out for work is necessary, but the virus is still there. Precautions need to […]

Sunflower bloom

Sunflower bloom

Gardening stories by danceofchaos Any gardening enthusiast will tell you flowers are the jewel of your garden. They also require the most dedication and work. Those beautiful, colourful creations of nature, make you work throughout the year taking care of the plants in the harsh weather. When the spring comes and the planting and potting […]

The Pujas

The Pujas

Pen By Madhura Our locality was full of small to medium scale factories. Viswakarma Puja was celebrated with aplomb in this region. We would know that Viswakarma Puja is coming as the sky would be covered with colourful kites, which the youths would fly in the afternoon. On the eve of Viswakarma Puja, some households […]

Innovative Cooking: The quarantine canteen

Innovative Cooking: The quarantine canteen

The gustatory dance by Danceofchaos The quarantine for the last few months have been very productive in many field of home improvement. On a regular office day, we would get up, have breakfast, go to work and our lunch and some cases early dinners would be taken care of the Office Canteen or some form […]

The Tidal waves

The Tidal waves

Pen By Madhura So long, the writing mainly revolved around the different things that we enjoyed as child. But of course there were certain things which we would never like to return to our lives. The most important one is the tidal water which regularly came to our house after the monsoon receded. Our house […]

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