experience of balcony gardening in a small balcony, with a baby. One thing that gives peace in these troubled times.
Blog Posts
Spring Gardening 2022 : Declutter with Dad
decluterring, cleaning, removing dead leaves, preparing soil: Beginning of Spring Gardening 2022
An Evening Conversation and Yoga
a typical conversation of two exhausted parents one evening.
Planning as a new mommy: on the Go Version
I have been doing bullet journaling from 2016. It helped me stay organised and handle the huge amount of information I had to handle daily. As my blog name suggested, I am always finding rhythm in the chaos of life and journaling and tracking helps me do it. I have detailed about how I try […]
14 Tips to successful start a small business
By Anwesa, owner of www.readaloud.de My Motivation Almost a year back, I finally gave shape to a childhood dream – my own bookshop! While my original dream involved tree-houses to read in, a million books, author visits and more, in reality it’s a little online bookshop – but it will have to do, for now. I […]
One Month of Motherhood
Feature Image Credit : Sanal Narayana ( Do not copy without permission) It has been one crazy month as I sit down to type this blog. By now, it is not a secret that we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. My blogging had already taken a backseat during pregnancy and focussing on the […]
ঠাম্মার জর্মনী আগমন
আমার ঠাম্মা পারেনা এমন কোন কাজ নেই। সেই কোন যুগে, 1963 সালে স্নাতকোত্তর মানে মাস্টার্স করে ফেলেছিল। তারপর চারপাশের লোকেদের ব্যাঁকা কথা, চোখ টাটান উপেক্ষা করে সংসারের হাল ধরতে চাকরি। ঠাম্মা খুব অল্প বয়সে বিধবা।তাই লোকেদের কথা আরও হত।কিন্ত শ্বাশুড়ী আর শ্বশুরবাড়ীর আশীর্বাদে ঠাম্মা নির্ভয়ে যেত হাইস্কুলে পড়াতে। কালের নিয়মে ঠাম্মা অবসর নিল। তথন পড়া […]
Minimal and useful Journal Layout
Using Notebook with coloured pages I must admit, my journaling has been slacking off a little in the recent times. The tasks and ToDo list from work, home and my business have been all over the place in the last few months. As much as I love my digital tools, sometimes, putting the information down […]