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A Cosy Fall Sunday/ Ein gemütlicher Herbst Sonntag

A Cosy Fall Sunday/ Ein gemütlicher Herbst Sonntag

Day to Day by DanceofChaos


Hello my lovely readers, how are you? I have been planning and writing very focussed blog posts for the last few months and today I decided to take a break and write something light, cheery and fun.

A Cosy Sunday

 The year just ran past by me and now we are already counting the days to 2021. Durga Puja and Diwali just flew by. The days have become shorter, colder, and darker. The grey clouds hang on the top of the sky almost all the time.

 When the sun does come out though : Mother nature is so gorgeous. She has the most beautiful blue sky, with fluffy white clouds floating in them. The leaves have started falling, but most of them have the most gorgeous warm shades: all shades of orange, red, yellow and their mix, with the occasional pink even.

How can such a sunny, cosy autumn day be the perfect? Why by having the best way to relax and unwind.

On such beautiful Sundays, I try to reserve the time for family. I talk to my parents in India, have long chat and gossip session with my sister, who is also in India. Sometimes, even her mother in law drops in.  

The lazy coffee time

The day usually start by me getting up, doing some morning meditation, and then having some food. If I get up early, I have some crackers. If it is late, I hop on to brunch. All of which means, I get to savour my coffee. Monday to Friday, I am rushing. I am doing meetings from 7:00 in the morning to quite late in the evening. The coffee gets gulped down, often gets cold. But this Sunday is for paying the coffee the attention it deserves. Hot smoking coffee, freshly brewed in hand, I lounge in my corner. This is the time I look through my journals, plan some journaling layout etc. This moment is for me to enjoy a moment of bliss before the new week comes with its new challenges.


Usually I prepare brunch on Sunday. We pick a easy menu and prepare the brunch together. After which, we divide and conquer the chores. Laundry is washed or hanged. Rooms are cleaned, some meal preparation is done for the next week.

Afternoon walk

Then it is time to have some rest and soon it is afternoon. Cosy, sunny afternoons are magical. I used to go out for a jog in the afternoons before. I have unfortunately become very unfit. I mostly go out for a walk in the afternoon. Sometimes we both go out for a light jog; after which he goes for a proper run in the woods.


I usually reserve the cosy evenings for cuddling with a book. I sometimes do some journaling, or planning but it is mostly for reading, occasional catching up in social media. Either the mister takes care of dinner, or I just make some soup.

The pumpkin season has arrived and boy, the pumpkin soup tastes divine. It can full someone up quite well.

I like to keep such Sundays to relax and unwind and let go of the stress. If I cannot do one lazy day during the week, it becomes difficult to catch a break from everything that is going on. Fall afternoons are made perfectly for that.

How do you spend sunny autumn afternoons? Do you drink hot chocolates instead of coffee and some pretty cakes in the afternoon? Tell me in the comments below.


Hallo ihr lieben! Ich hoffe ihr seid wohl und findet euch gesund in dem Herbst.

Ich hab mein zwei großen Festen gefeiert und freue mich auf Weihnachten. Es ist unglaublich wie schnell die Zeit rennt.

Heute wollte ich über ein gemütlichen Herbst Tag kurz reden. Was macht ihr an einen kalten Herbst Tag wenn die Sonne scheint?

Ich bin ein sonniger Mensch und freue mich Mega wenn es draußen hell ist.  Ich gehe dann gern spazieren oder wenn es geht auch etwa joggen.

Zuerst aber, den Tag muss richtig genossen werden. Nach dem kurzen Yoga, früh am Morgen, genieße ich erst mein Kaffee.

Wochentagen sind immer so Hektik und rennt vorbei, da schlucke ich nur den Kaffee. Ein gemütliches Wochenende ist bei mir für Kaffeegenuß geplant. Viele genießen Heiße Schokolade, sowohl auch mein Mann. Ich trinke da mein Kaffee, schreibe was in mein Notizbuch, plane was für den Blog, langsam und erholsam.

Am Wochenende, wenn wir keine Feier oder Besuch geplant haben, mögen wir auch brunchen. Dann bleibt mehr Zeit übrig für die andere Sachen. Haushalt muss gemacht werden, Essen für die kommende Woche etwa geplant und vorbereitet werden.

Dann natürlich ins Natur etwa frische Luft. Zum Glück wir wohnen nähe von Wald und mir gefällt die Spaziergang durch den Wald. Im Herbst sieht man so viel Farbige Blätter: es gibt alle Farbe von Rot bis Orange und Gelb. Das ist eh Wunder und die Zeit fliegt auch schön damit.

Am Abend mag ich unter dem Decke kuscheln, mit einem Buch, vielleicht eine TV-Sendung. Ich mag Kürbis suppe sehr und esse fast jede Wochenende die Suppe.

Suppe, ein tolles Buch, eine kuschelige Decke und ich bin dankbar für meinen Glück.

Bald ist den Traumzeit weg und fängt die täglich drumherum.

Wie genießt ihr eurer sonnigen Sonntage? Schreib mir gern unten in Kommentar.

Picture courtesy : @foodledoofle. Do not copy without permission.

A Cosy Fall Sunday/ Ein gemütlicher Herbst Sonntag

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A Cosy Fall Sunday/ Ein gemütlicher Herbst Sonntag


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One comment

  1. Roshni Maiti

    Sundays – for me what I love the most is sleeping in the afternoon after a nice lunch, I try some new dishes and definitely watch some good movies … or tea is must in the evening ….this is something which I follow when I am in Bangalore …

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