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Haimanti : weaving through Autumn

Haimanti : weaving through Autumn

It is a dream for any one who can write a bit to weave a series of words and paint a picture. It needs a lot of practice and some framework. I have never been good in painting through words and I mostly use this blog to write about day to day events. However when I came across these beautiful pictures by Pritha, I yearned to tell a story. This is my humble attempt to start a story, woven around the pictures she took. With your encouragement I would try to write more.

That soft footstep

That soft footstep, little sounds of her ankle bell, she is so shy, she comes swiftly and she runs away even softly.

What’s her name, you ask? Wasn’t she called Hemantika by Tagore? 

She comes unannounced, hiding herself in the benign shadows of the mother Goddess in her glory. Just as shyly she comes, she leaves. It is just a few weeks and then the grey of winter slowly comes; following its footsteps comes  the strong  white beauty of the lonely hermit, Winter.

Haimanti : weaving through Autumn

The leaves of mixed feelings

Fall is such a wonderful beauty. For all the few days that she stays, she surrounds us with colors. Nature blooms with colors, but they give such a mixed feelings.

Some leaves turn bright pink and red and orange. They signal the vibrancy of life, the message of regeneration and hope.

Some leaves turn yellow, different shade of it. Nature absorbs the pain and suffering and turns yellow in sadness. After a few days, they fall off, taking the rotten and wretchedness and making way for future.

Some leaves still stay green. Have you seen different shades of green? The deep dark green that will soon turn into brown orange or even red, the middle lighter green that still symbolizes life and continuity when everything around her changes color rapidly.

Fall in nature brings the explosion of color and nature decorates herself to await for something. In India we celebrate Navratri around this time. We Bengalis celebrate Durgapuja. We worship the mother Goddess, the embodiment of life and power for five long days. And wouldn’t that please the mother? That is why she dresses up in color.

The clarity of sky

Haimanti : weaving through Autumn

When nature dresses up in color, the sky complements her by being strong and clear snd blue.

Tagore wrote : Neel Akashe ke vasale, sada megher vela….. look who is floating the white boats of cloud in the sea of sky and how apt it is indeed.

The sky clears of the clouds. There are the occasional showers but when they are over, it is clear blue sky and the floating white clouds. They complement the nature by providing such a clear background.

Fall in our heart

And what does fall bring to us humans, when we are not opening all our senses to take in mother nature’s glory? The weather is changing. From cosy warm embrace of summer to the cold direction of winter.

The days start getting shorter, evenings longer. Sun slowly is lazy to rise. A whole lot of the time is darker. It is time to quietly think of times long gone by, our ancestors. We show them light, we offer them tarpanam during Mahalayam, during Naraka chaturdasi, we think of them on all hallows eve.  We light candles to connect our soul to the universe, seek blessing from those who walked before us.

Haimanti : weaving through Autumn

It is perhaps why we celebrate festivals with lights, to banish the darkness that prevails outside from entering our mind and invading our souls.

This post has been written around the pictures takes by Pritha Ghosh, a collaboration of sorts. She takes the pictures and I weave my musings around it. If you like it, we can continue this series and present you with some more stories. Please check out Pritha’s excellent photography at her instagram account. Link to her profile:

Hoping to bring you some more picture and word collaboration if you like this one.

Please note: All pictures taken by Pritha are her intellectual property and if you are using the pictures, do not forget to cite her and give proper credit.

Haimanti : weaving through Autumn

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Haimanti : weaving through Autumn


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  1. Really beautiful pictures! They fit very well to your post about Autumn.

    1. Thank You so much. I am so happy you liked it

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