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My Journey: from 12m2 to 108m2

My Journey: from 12m2 to 108m2

This is the journey of us – me and my husband about how we navigated together from living in 12m2 to 108m2. A glimpse of my journey in 12m2 I started my life here with my husband in a small 12m2 room in a small town named Jülich. Yes, a mere room. And we studied, […]

Mindful self-reflection

In Solitude I am mindful – 3 helpful ways of self-reflection

Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher once said, “Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.” And I couldn’t agree more with this mindful self-reflection. Vulnerability in Isolation To be isolated with oneself can seem very lonely and depressing to many of us. The thoughts can be intrusive, and the feelings […]

Books – my wonderland

Books – my wonderland

My Childhood in Books Just like Alice found her wonderland in the rabbit hole, I found mine with books. Books have been an intricate part of me right from my childhood. There are such fond memories that I have with books that until very recently I didn’t realize how much they have been a part […]

Sunflowers of my Garden

Sunflowers of my Garden

Life has a funny way of racing past you. Sometimes, when you take a small break, look around and take a deep breath, you realise how the circle of life goes around and around. Every year, in the same spot in my balcony blooms the sunflower. Yet every year it is different, the world is […]

Blog posts about gardening

About June 2022

The German summer is upon us. The days are long and bright and plenty of sun to go around. My skin is all ready for some Vitamin D and tan, my brain is flooding me with serotonin. Procastination and writing After procrastinating for a long time, today I decided to write a blog post. My […]

ঠাম্মার জর্মনী আগমন

ঠাম্মার জর্মনী আগমন

আমার ঠাম্মা পারেনা এমন কোন কাজ নেই। সেই কোন যুগে, 1963 সালে স্নাতকোত্তর মানে মাস্টার্স করে ফেলেছিল। তারপর চারপাশের লোকেদের ব্যাঁকা কথা, চোখ টাটান উপেক্ষা করে সংসারের হাল ধরতে চাকরি। ঠাম্মা খুব অল্প বয়সে বিধবা।তাই লোকেদের কথা আরও হত।কিন্ত শ্বাশুড়ী আর শ্বশুরবাড়ীর আশীর্বাদে  ঠাম্মা নির্ভয়ে যেত হাইস্কুলে পড়াতে। কালের নিয়মে ঠাম্মা অবসর নিল। তথন পড়া […]

TBT : My Journey from August 2008

TBT : My Journey from August 2008

Beginning It was a humid monsoon afternoon. It rained non stop the entire week and stopped raining just yesterday night. The sky was still humid and full of dark clouds. There was a feeling that something momentous is happening. The background Nothing dramatic happened. But on such a heavy monsoon day, more than a decade […]

The Tidal waves

The Tidal waves

Pen By Madhura So long, the writing mainly revolved around the different things that we enjoyed as child. But of course there were certain things which we would never like to return to our lives. The most important one is the tidal water which regularly came to our house after the monsoon receded. Our house […]


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