Hello everyone and welcome to the third installment of the New Zealand trip series. Be sure to check out the Introduction and part1 and part2 to get the journal feeling of the series. And while you are at it, I hope you check out the recently finished collaboration of original poetry and recitation. So where was I, yes New Zealand trip. Today is about the rest of the stay in Taupo, Journey back to Auckland, Ironman and about me.
Day5 : March 7, mi cumpleaños … and Race Day
I am an adult woman, who has over three decades of living behind me. Yet, I felt a little miffed that I have to share this day with IronmanNZ2020. As I was not a competitor, no body cared and even my family forgot about me. Thanks to my husband ( yes I hold the grudge still) being not super fit, he finished his race after a little over twelve hours. It means, after we came back, collecting the post race bike, my birthday was over.
I was supposed to steal his birthday ( 28 March) for my celebration but the world is not in a position to celebrate birthday’s currently. Looking back, I am immensely grateful that I had that day. I was in beautiful Taupo, strolling around the beaches, with a few new friends, who remembered, and it was a unique birthday experience.
We woke up around 4:00 in the morning to have some light breakfast and then Christian started getting ready, putting on his suit and sticking on his race number id. His swim start was due at 7:00 in the morning.
What is Ironman though?
runners and bikers in front
Those who do not know about triathlons and Ironman: it is a sporting event where athletes first swim for 3.8km, and then bike for 180km, finally finishing it with 42.2km of run ( a marathon). An athlete has to participate in a total of 140.6miles. It is quite a popular sport that tests you on strength and massive endurance in three major sporting disciplines. Usually professional players participate beside amateurs and everyone plays to qualify for the championship in Hawai, holy grain of triathlon. There was a 70.3 or half Ironman on the same day as well, exactly half of the distance in each discipline to be performed. It is a relatively easier one to finish, keyword being “relative”.
I am not sure about the crazy people who do such crazy things ; you cannot help but get swept up in their enthuasism. I also fell in love with one crazy idiot so here I was, waiting on the bike and run course, cheering my idiot on along with other mates. There were quite a few participants from India this time, about twenty three I think. So I was cheering up my friends, my personal idiot,German Indian athletes.
,on my birthday
It made me proud to see my countrymen taking on such strong endurance competition. Who says we only make good engineers,doctors and lawyers? We also make Ironmen.
I could cheer most of the group members and take their finish line pictures. Christian finished when it already was dark, running with the glow sticks. After he finished, I sent him off to recovery tent and slowly and tiredly trudged back to the hotel. Supporting on such a long day is also a long and tiring event and even beautiful sidewalk of Taupo does not always make up for it.
Day6: Post Ironman celebration
The big event was over. It was time for the group to break up slowly. Some of us would leave for home, some for their holiday in other part of NZ and rest of us would leave for Auckland the next day.
Before all that though, we met for a breakfast together in the local Spoon and Paddle Cafe. They are one of the famous cafe’s in Taupo and a favorite spot for the athletes, especially after the race day. They serve some lovely breakfast and some amazing coffee. They are currently closed, like many other big and small restaurants and cafe’s worldwide and I hope that they survive this troubled times. I do have some beautiful memory with the team here.
After breakfast, a few of our team left and rest of us decided to check out the neaby Huka falls. The water there is all shades of green. After a leasurely walk and some photosession there, we went for drinks together. Then we all went to our way to pack. We met up with a couple of others from the group and decided to go to dinner together. Tomorrow journey back to Auckland.
with lake Taupo at our back
Day 7 : Back to Auckland
Early this morning, the rest of the troupe, who hadn’t left earlier gathered together for the car ride back to Auckland. I was sorry to leave taupo behind. It has been an incredible few days. I wish we would have stayed here longer, which I surely would plan next time. Taupo was a mix of nostalgia and freshness. It reminded me of the Agatha Christie novels. the plants and trees and English reminded me of home, and part of the culture reminded me of suburban America. It has been one of the best experience so far.
On the way to Auckland, we passed by some beautiful spots and this time stopped somewhere else for a short break. From there I sent my friend Megha a postcard. But forgot to put her name in it so I don’t know if she received it. All good things comes to an end. Our journey soon ended in Airport of Auckland. After bidding each other good bye and promising to keep in touch, we went our separate ways.
The rest of the time spent in Auckland, will come up in the next post. Thank you all for patiently reading through my posts.
This blog has no specific direction so far. It was created by me to write about the rhythm in the chaos of the day to day life. I try to write about daily life, about work-life balance, the food I like to eat and cook and small one of a kind experiences. In a surprising but beautiful way, it has evolved into a space for creative collaboration with like minded people. With your encouragement, the blog will hopefully become a more engaging platform with each passing day. I am planning to write fiction stories as well. If you like to read it here, please spread the word about this blog through your likes and shares about it.
Beautiful description. loved every bit of it
You will remember your this year’s Birthday forever because of Ironman. Thanks for such detailed information. Congrats to your Ironman. Keep writing
That’s true. It has been unique
Next time your idiot will find another day and go faster