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Blog Posts

Cooking in Quarantine: Edition 2

Cooking in Quarantine: Edition 2

Introduction Corona has thrown a lot of our regular routine out of balance. I am one of the lucky few that it is just me and my husband, working from home, we share the household chores including cooking. One would think we have it completely under control and powering our way to be the power […]

Homeoffice Essen

Homeoffice Essen

Hallo und willkommen auf dem Blog. Heute möchte ich über Essen plaudern. Wer von euch befindet sich immer noch im Homeoffice? Wir arbeiten seit sechs Monaten zu Hause. Es gibt’s Pro und Contra für die Situation. Ich bin froh, dass ich durchgehend von zu Hause arbeiten darf. Ich erledige viel in der Arbeit, zu Hause, […]

Seeing Sunrise

Seeing Sunrise

It has been one long day…so many hours slogging on the smart pane, even the upgraded viewer, attached to neural cortex was hurting. “Archaeology is some backbreaking shit!”:  grumbled RIA0307. “And boy did they love to document and digitize everything since they got hold of the prehistoric mobile technology”. Their ancestors were funny, lived in […]

Work/Life : Lockdown Experience: Part2

Work/Life : Lockdown Experience: Part2

Hello everyone, I begun writing about work-life balance lockdown edition last week. Even when I wanted to write one post only, I am writing a two post series. Today I want to continue from where I left off last week and start with the mental exhaustion and move to the more positive aspects of the […]

Work Life Lockdown Experience: Part1

Work Life Lockdown Experience: Part1

Hello my lovely readers, How are you. Last year I wrote a small series on the work-life balance for working women. With everything going on in 2020, it felt like a good time to update my views on the topic. 2020 has changed the way we work, for most of us. Suddenly we find, working […]

লকডাউনের রান্নাবাটি

লকডাউনের রান্নাবাটি

পশ্চিমদেশের নিরিবিলি এক শহরে আমাদের বাস, আমি এবং আমার জর্মন পতি। সোম থেকে শুক্র কর্তা-গিন্নী অফিস যাই। অফিসে ক্যান্টিনে খাই। সপ্তাহে একাধিক দিন সন্ধেবেলা বাইরে খাই বা আনিয়ে নি।হপ্তায় দু-তিন দিন যতন করে রাঁধি – দুইজনেই খুশি। দিব্যি চলছিল, এমন সময় করোনা দেবীর প্রাদুর্ভাব। আমাদের এখানে February র শেষ থেকে চলাফেরার নিষেধাজ্ঞা, এই কিছুদিন আগে […]

TBT : My Journey from August 2008

TBT : My Journey from August 2008

Beginning It was a humid monsoon afternoon. It rained non stop the entire week and stopped raining just yesterday night. The sky was still humid and full of dark clouds. There was a feeling that something momentous is happening. The background Nothing dramatic happened. But on such a heavy monsoon day, more than a decade […]

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