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Blog Posts

A Cosy Fall Sunday/ Ein gemütlicher Herbst Sonntag

A Cosy Fall Sunday/ Ein gemütlicher Herbst Sonntag

English Hello my lovely readers, how are you? I have been planning and writing very focussed blog posts for the last few months and today I decided to take a break and write something light, cheery and fun. A Cosy Sunday  The year just ran past by me and now we are already counting the […]

Manage Work| 2

Manage Work| 2

Decorate the Home office corner This goes without saying that if you have some items that help you think, inspire you, motivate you, you should keep it on your desk. That is why people have photos of their kids, a stress ball, a funky appointment calendar at their office desk. But what if those are […]

Personal Reset for Durga Puja 2020

1       Introduction  Durgapuja is the biggest festival for a Bengali. Celebrated between the day six to day ten, of the Navratri festivals, Bengalis all over the world, near and far, celebrate this festival. It is not only religious, but the biggest socio-cultural celebration. We would clean our houses, buy new clothes, buy presents for family […]

Chapter 1 : ভূমিকা

“দিভাই, শাড়ীটা ইস্ত্রী করেছিলি যখন, আঁচলটা আগে করে পিন দিয়ে দিলে পারতিস।”  স্কাইপের পর্দাতে ভেসে এলো পিয়ার গুরুগম্ভীর স্বর। টিয়া মিনমিন করে “পরেছি তো”, বলে আঁচল নিয়ে পড়ল। টিয়া আর পিয়া  দুই পিঠাপিঠি বোন: একসাথে বড় হওয়া, ঝগড়া, মারামারি, আবার গলায়-গলায় বন্ধুত্ব। তারপর বড় হয়ে ছিটকে গেল দুজনে পৃথিবীর দু প্রান্তে। পিয়া তাও দেশে আছে, টিয়া […]

dedicated working space

A well balanced dedicated Working Space

The first thing in the working from home is having a fixed dedicated working space. Those of you, who have been working from home regularly, must have a fixed area where you usually work from. Those who do not, need to create one. It is not easy to create such a dedicated working space, specially […]

Fall Indoor Gardening: Part1

Introduction The cycle of season is coming to an end for 2020 and fall is upon us. The sultry evenings, with mild romantic breeze kissing your cheek is gone and with it are gone the long, warm summer days. I live in Germany and for me the official harvest season is pretty much over. Right […]

One Crazy Day

One Crazy Day

Last Night When Mita went to bed yesterday, everything was perfect. Tomorrow’s clothes pressed and ready. The presentation prepared and ready in the USB stick, with backups in her email, hard disc, and another USB stick. Tomorrow’s make-up was ready. Vritya, 9, and Athir,6, were tucked in bed and they surprisingly fell asleep right on […]

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