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My Journey: from 12m2 to 108m2

My Journey: from 12m2 to 108m2

This is the journey of us – me and my husband about how we navigated together from living in 12m2 to 108m2. A glimpse of my journey in 12m2 I started my life here with my husband in a small 12m2 room in a small town named Jülich. Yes, a mere room. And we studied, […]

Mindful self-reflection

In Solitude I am mindful – 3 helpful ways of self-reflection

Aristotle, the famous Greek philosopher once said, “Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.” And I couldn’t agree more with this mindful self-reflection. Vulnerability in Isolation To be isolated with oneself can seem very lonely and depressing to many of us. The thoughts can be intrusive, and the feelings […]

The Impact of Routines and Schedules

The Impact of Routines and Schedules

Notes from new parents We had our first baby joining us last year this month. We as a couple, were not very fond of schedules and routines. But our life changed drastically once this little human became a part of our family. We now crave for routines and make sure to stick to these as […]

What Are the Best Container Plants

What Are the Best Container Plants

By Olivia Johnson from Plantscraze Container gardening is a fantastic method to brighten up your front porch, add color to shaded areas, or deal with poor soil in your yard. Many plants can be grown in containers. Most of the time, plants cultivated in containers have fewer disease issues than plants grown in soil. Fewer […]

Idea Explorer Set 2 Start a small business

14 Tips to successful start a small business

By Anwesa, owner of My Motivation Almost a year back, I finally gave shape to a childhood dream – my own bookshop! While my original dream involved tree-houses to read in, a million books, author visits and more, in reality it’s a little online bookshop – but it will have to do, for now. I […]

The Group that Got Your Back

The Group that Got Your Back

A guest contribution by a new Indian mom in Germany This is my first blog. Let me put this disclaimer in the beginning so that you will forgive any mistakes or poor writing from here on. I am a 29-year-old woman, basically from South India and now living in Germany with my husband and a […]

Thinking of Granddad

Thinking of Granddad

Storytelling is an art. To keep your audience engaged with an incident about which he/ she is quite ignorant requires an extra gift. Specially if the audience happens to consist of kids below the age of ten years, making them sit at one place is a herculean task. But not so for my grandfather, my […]

My journey of writing

My journey of writing

Guest Writing by Uma Chandrasekar First of all, I would like to thank Tanni from the bottom of my heart for giving me this wonderful opportunity to share my writing journey. I am glad I came to discover her amazing blog through Instagram. I am very delighted to be a part of her blog. My […]