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Self-Love Journal Prompts: A Path to Personal Growth and Inner Healing

Self-Love Journal Prompts: A Path to Personal Growth and Inner Healing

Self-love is an essential aspect of personal growth and inner healing. It involves nurturing a positive relationship with yourself, embracing your strengths and weaknesses, and practicing self-care. Self-love journal prompts provide a valuable tool for deepening self-awareness, fostering self-compassion, and exploring your inner world. In this article, we will dive into the concept of self-love, […]

vertical garden in container

4 Important Vertical Gardening Tips for Your Balcony Space

If you live in an urban area but love gardening, you’re likely familiar with the challenges of finding a suitable space to nurture your green thumb. Amid the concrete jungle, your desire to connect with nature and grow plants may often feel constrained. However, there’s a solution that can transform your tiny balcony into a […]

Monthly Bullet Journal Header and Title Ideas to Keep You Organised

Monthly Bullet Journal Header and Title Ideas to Keep You Organised

While staying organised and keeping track of the work done comes naturally in some people, it’s a skill many are yet to learn. That has seen many developers develop time management software to help improve one’s organisation and productivity. However, the software comes with a price tag and a steep learning curve, especially if you […]

Me and Branded Things

Me and Branded Things

Inner battle of desire, conditioned logic, and hard reality I hail from a simple ‘middle class’ South Indian family. I was always taught the importance of valuing money and spending it wisely. Throughout my childhood and up until my marriage, I was provided with very good quality products, especially clothes. When I came to Germany […]

My First 10 years in e-Mobility

My First 10 years in e-Mobility

E-Mobility, electrification of power train is the word that runs in everyone’s mouth. I am one of the lucky few who have seen the field grow and transfer and actively participate in it. It has been a busy day full of meetings and telephone calls and solving escalations, sending out MoM when suddenly I looked […]

Mandala ausmalen Postkarten zum Ausmalen

Warum Mandala ausmalen für Erwachsene hilft Stress zu reduzieren – 5 hilfreiche Tipps für den Start

Von: Christian from DanceofChaos Wir alle leben in einer Welt voller Stress. Körperliche und mentale Beanspruchung nehmen gefühlt von Jahr zu Jahr zu. Auf Dauer kann das gefährliche Ausmaße annehmen und langfristige psychische Schäden verursachen – u.a. die neue Volkskrankheit: Burnout. Darum ist es heute wichtiger denn je nach Wegen zu suchen, um die geistige […]

Sunflowers of my Garden

Sunflowers of my Garden

Life has a funny way of racing past you. Sometimes, when you take a small break, look around and take a deep breath, you realise how the circle of life goes around and around. Every year, in the same spot in my balcony blooms the sunflower. Yet every year it is different, the world is […]